Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ellie's Princess Party


Ellie is my God-daughter.  She is so special to me. 
Her mama is one of my best friends and I seriously adore these girls.  I like to call her Ella Bella, because she's beautiful.  On my birthday last year we were in the hospital with Lizzy waiting patiently for this little girl.  I was really hoping she would share a birthday with me, but she wanted her own day..and I am perfectly fine with that.  :) So we had her 1st birthday party today.  It was princess themed, obviously.   

Take a look people. 

Spoiled much?  I think so!

My family is full of domestic Goddesses.  (I am not one of them)

Oh,that thing?  It says "Happy Birthday Ellie" in really cute pastel letters. 
If I had a better camera you'd be able to see that, but for now you can pretend. 

 My Aunt Rusanne is the best party hostess.
Brady helped me put these together. 

I heart her. 

Overall, the party was a success! She was the prettiest princess ever, and was so spoiled.

Ah, I want her to stay little forever!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! I am so happy that you posted these pictures because I was DYING not being able to be there. Keep up the blogs=) I LOVE IT! We can help each other stay motivated...

    I love you Whit! (PS- check out my blog I think you'll like the latest post!) <3
